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Wednesday, 22 February 2012

FPSC has Announced Final Result of Lecturer Male BS-17

 FPSC has Announced Final Result of Lecturer Male BS-17. For a detailed view of Result please click on the attached file link given below
FPSC Final Result of Lecturer Male

FPSC Announced Final Result of Psychologist BS-18

Federal Public Service Commission has Announced Final Result for the post of  Psychologist BS-18. For a detailed view of Result please click on the attached file link given below
Psychologist BS-18

FPSC Final Result for the post of Assistant Drug Controller

 Federal Public Service Commission has announced final Result for the posts of Assistant Drug Controllers BS-17. For a detailed view of result, Please click on the attached file link given below
Assistant Drug Controllers

FPSC Announced Schedule of Psychological Assessment & Viva Voce CE-2011 - Lahore Phase II

FPSC Announced Schedule of Psychological Assessment & Viva Voce CE-2011 - Lahore Phase II. For a detailed view of Schedule please click on the Attached file link given below
Schedule of Psychological Assessment & Viva Voce CE-2011 - Lahore Phase II

CSS Eamination Centres 2012 Announced by FPSC Islamabad

federal Public Service Commission has Announced Exam Centers for CSS 2012 Examination. For a detailed view exams centres please click on the attached file ink given below
CSS 2012 Examination Centres

FPSC Announced CSS Examination 2012 Time Table

Federal Public Service Commisssion has Announced Examination Schedule/ date sheet for Competitive examination CSS 2012. For a detailed view of date sheet please click on the attached file link given below
CSS 2012 Examination Schedule

Monday, 13 February 2012

FPSC Islamabad jobs announcement

Federal Public Service Commission Islamabad has announced jobs to join Gilgit Baltistan Judicial Council.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

CSS Exam Schedule 2012 FPSC Islamabad

Federal Public service commission has announced Competitive examination CSS schedule for 2012. For a detailed view of Exam schedule and timetable please click on the attached file link given below
CSS Examination Schedule 2012